Friday, May 14, 2010

Music & Life

Terribly sorry for the lack of updating, but with school it has been almost impossible to keep up with a blog. So much has happened in just a few months, the DeMarcos moved out into their own place, my mom got two dogs, I survived the school musical and the theater UIL competition, I got an iTouch which is really sweet!), and I've seen a lot of new movies, not all of which were good. I'll do my best to et some pictures of these events for next time! Now that we've caught up I'll get on with the news report.
This weeks subject:
Music reviews and hot concerts happening in Texas.

newest album Hello Hurricane is set apart from all the rest of their albums with redemptive lyrics, strong guitar power, and flowing melodies this has to be one of their best works.

Cake is an all over fun band with jazzy songs with a goofy style of awkwardly talk singing their songs, Rock n' Roll Lifestyle is my favorite.

Notable band performing in Texas is Thousand Foot Krutch who will be playing in Lubbock, Texas on 6-9-10. Knowing then it will be a concert to see if you get the chance. Check it out at:

Friday, January 15, 2010


I was looking through some old pictures earlier and found this Halloween photo from when i was 8, now my suspicions of being an expert ninja killer has been confirmed! Thank God for Facebook ! :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Paper :)


I finished a paper last week, the ass
ignment was to pick a three things that you know something about, then pick the one that you think would be most interesting to someone else. Here is what I came up with.


There are many different brands of coffee in Italy, although the three most popular are probably Lavazza, Illy, and pellini. Among all these three I prefer Lavazza. There are also many different coffee beverages, such as espresso, cafe machiato, cappuccino, cafe latte, etc., etc. Because of it's small size the cheapest of these is the espresso, which can be found in anny Italian bar for around 1 euro. Coffee drinks such as these can quite easily be brewed at home. Using a machine called a bialetti mocha, and some practice, you can make coffee that some might say rivals that of a professional Italian bar. The mocha consists of three parts, the base (bottom left of image 1), the filter (bottom right of image 1), and the top (top of image 1). The mechanics of the mocha is quite remarkable, it uses boiling water to steep up through the ground coffee carrying with it the oil and caffeine of the ground coffee beans to the top for you to drink. Sadly most people in America do not know of this fantastic way to make coffee. Italians take pride in coffee. As you can see, they have come up with many different types and styles of coffee that can be made at home or in an Italian bar.

Making coffee is quite easy. First you have to fill the base of the bialetti with water up to a small line or screw which can be found on the inside of the base. After this place the filter in the base, if water comes through to the filter that means it's to full of water, therefore take the filter out, pour out some water and place the filter back in; then carefully fill the filter with coffee grounds. Now screw on the top and place it on the stove (as in image 2), which should be set to med-low, if it is too high it may burn the coffee. When generous amounts of coffee fill the top, turn off the stove and pour it into your cup(s), then add sugar or milk to taste. Seemingly difficult, making coffee is really quite an easy and simple process that just requires a little practice.

Today is mostly sunny, tomorrow is expected to be the same, but a thunderstorm is suposed to be coming in on Wednesday with rain following on Thursday.

Weekly Comic Strip

User Friendly


Recipe of the Week

Pizza Fritta

Ingredients (Makes 4)
  • 1/2 kiglo of flour
  • 16g of yeast
  • oil
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • 150g of prosciutto crudo (or 8 slices)
  • 200g of provola cheese
  • oil for frying

In a bowl, put 250ml of hot water and pour in the yeast to dissolve it. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and the teaspoon of sugar. Add half the flour, and a teaspoon of salt. Add the rest of the flour and continue to mix. Once you have a homogeneous mixture, divide it into four parts and let it rise for an hour. After this time, using a rolling pin, roll out each peace into even circles. put two peaces of prosciutto and a fourth of the provola cut into cubes. then fold it over and seal the edges. IMPORTANT: Make sure the edges are completely sealed. Then fry them in oil in a deep frying pan until golden brown on each side, and serve hot.

Is your mouth watering yet? If not, just wait till you try it. ;)

Today's post was rather short, mostly because I've been extremely busy this week. I promise a longer one next week. Thanks for reading. Until next time, Bye!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Family

These are the kids of my family, most of my posts will be about them. I'll go from youngest to oldest; the toddler on the floor in the brown shirt, that's my two year old sister Angelina, the annoyed looking girl leaning foreword in the white and brown dress is my ten year old sister Isabella, I'm the one in the blue t-shirt, and the girl in the green shirt is my sixteen year old sister Francesca; the other three are our cousins. So now if I refer to one of them in The Weekly Prophet, you'll know who I am referring to.
Pleas note that this photo is about a year old and we've all grown a few inches. (a foot in my case)